Youth Thrive™: Protective and Promotive Factors for Healthy Adolescent Development and Well-being
Research conducted by The Center for Social Policy Study has identified a set of key competencies that have been shown to help young people increase protective and promotive factors while reducing risk factors. Research shows that these supports help young people move beyond trauma to become more resilient in addressing their developmental needs.
This course focuses on youth between puberty and young adulthood. It presents the key components of the Youth Thrive Framework including brain development, the impact of trauma on young peoples’ development, youth resilience, the importance of social connections, helping young people better understand their own development, concrete supports in times of need, and cognitive and social-emotional competence in youth.
Youth Thrive is available through the Academy in collaboration with Youth in Focus and the Center for the Study of Social Policy.
The 21-hour Youth Thrive Live Practitioner Training is taught in a three-day format of 7-hours per day.
The 26-hour Youth Thrive Virtual Practitioner Training is taught in a seven-day format of 3.5-hours per day preceded by a 1.5-hour Introduction to Technology class. The class time has been extended to allow for frequent breaks to increase virtual engagement.
The Academy offers this course for practitioners who have completed foundational training in the field and seek more advanced skills and knowledge. Training relates to CYC Certification competencies and extends learning from the CYC: Foundations Course.
What course participants say about the course?
What do you need for virtual participation?
A Training of Trainers Course is available. Trainers attend the full Youth Thrive Live Practitioners Training and attend additional hours after each practitioner class day and one day of training following the practitioner course. Trainers attending the virtual course attend two additional 3.5-hour online classes.
Graduates from the TOT program are authorized instructors for the Youth Thrive curricula.
Participant Manuals and Trainer Guides are available for authorized trainers who have completed either the Youth or Families Thrive Training of Trainers.
Youth in Focus has created printed materials to support both Youth and Families Thrive courses. The materials are attractive and make it easy for students and trainers to organize their classroom experience.
Shipping costs are included in the pricing. To support virtual courses, the Academy office can mail the student materials direct to your students. Instructors provide shipping addresses. Please order early to allow adequate time for mail to arrive before classes begin.
To place an order, contact the Academy by